Took a day to immolate
4/13/2023 Sorry the last g(l) was unreadable on handhelds

Always more than we bargained for -- Thanks to Erik Davis Con/Jur/d, 4/13/2023 When we did many drugs often they acted as embedded reminders of how quickly everything can change for the better and for the worse (The Junky and The Addict are often better at long term commitments, than the newly married) Sure, sure outdated language maybe its time to reclaim the labels from the 12-step squares, the no - saying, corporate sponsors? We didn’t get to bargain, to self identify, labels make it easier for machines to categorize, to pull us out, out, out of the unknowing all-inclusive self, with all the drinks food, entertainment we can handle as long, as we stay defined and definite -- I was a Robin yesterday doing the ritual dance, a flurry of wings and an empty road unusually hot too early for Munsell purple Thistles and then a couch potato, my skin turning green producing, cytotoxins revolutions of what it means to be human happening everywhere -- for a moment returned to the source, life-death unlabeled it can change as fast as that, faster even even without accelerators or catalysts to call our attention to it.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 4/13/2023