, object permanence 2/12/2024, Con/Jur/d The hardest thing to admit, harder than we can admit over the impossible abyss between us THE MIRACLE language in its insubstantial materiality still can construct a functioning bridge from side to side, despite our inability to deeply, truly admit: THE WORLD IS DIFFERENT FOR OTHERS They aren’t less intelligent, differently abled misinformed, versions of you, they are exactly not you, except in the absolute, where in all fairness you aren’t you, either Sure, you say and when we say, ‘you,’ we mean we you’ve already learned object permanence and subject impermanence, so why you being like that? And we’ll say, what way, like the right here, the story we are telling ourselves of understanding? of leaping the gap? What’s flows between, under, through goes on and on, neither fore nor back GROUND We agree (and it can’t be communicated verbally IF YOU FIND YOURSELF READING THIS OUT LOUD PLEASE PAUSE AND WAVE YOUR ARMS IN THE AIR FOR A MINIMUM of 30 SECONDS AND A MAXIMUM OF 42 SECONDS; IF THE AUDIENCE CONTAINS VISUALLY DIVERGENT MEMBERS OR YOU ARE READING THIS VIA A RECORDING SUBSTRATE PLEASE ACCOMPANY THE HANDWAVING WITH A WHOOSHING SOUND AND NOW IT'S TOO LATE TO SAY DON'T READ THIS PART ALOUD we’ll communicate it visually) yet, even before we said DON’T READ…ALOUD, you knew what we meant, shouting it in your head SHHH WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP UNTIL AFTER THE REVOLUTION we understood having spent a lifetime hammering out a consensus to cross this impossible ABYSS between us.
That kind of day.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 2/12/2024
[Whooshing sound begins]
I looked into the abyss
The abyss looked into me
I'm fairly sure we neither
Like what we see
Always creative and a bit wild 😃