The Orgy of Flies
7/5/2024 avoiding the 4th, escaping to Canada, slowed by heat and gearbox repairs

The Orgy of Flies Con/Jur/d, 7/5/2024 Dear Friend, One day out, the tower belching steam, cooling its nuclear heart the remaining morsel of last night’s land port, with the keel scraping on un- marked hazards, just like the long thread of a life lived past middle age and The Old Gods, the ones without names, the ones who mocked and shamed The Namer, muffed his feathers, tangled his limbs, removed his fur, dared him to think “Naked” compounding the errors of thinking and naming, the hiding from the everpresent Now, like something pretending to come in-from No Where, instead of out-of Those Old Gods surround our boat The Congress of Cormorants, who flew off, low and slow, together The Solitary Gull bobbing up, bobbing down, A Visiting Nausea, unexpected and resolved when we took the helm “We were betrayed” we said, “by the Uncreative Namers, the ones who replaced curiosity with trivia” “Who?” she said, “The ones who will tell us in great detail when we say, ‘Computer tell me the details of the exploited superhero universes and all of the derivatives, variations and sellable deviations,’ but when we say ‘OK Computer tell me why there is an orgy of biting flies in the galley of our boat 15 miles from shore’ we’re left to wade through opinions, bad matches and misdirections” “Did you try it?” she asked. “We didn’t. We were afraid they wouldn’t confirm our suspicions that these flies mate and lay eggs in dead fish and are attracted to boats as an evolutionary adaption, following fishermen for millennia breeding on their fresh and discarded catches” “O,” she said “so, you’re not interested in the truth?” “The Truth is alright,” we said as long as it doesn’t try to sell me anything” For a while, wind and waves the sail creaks, birds and breeze vocalize, “Well at least SUNLIGHT ON THE TOP OF WAVES ON THE HORIZON thinks it’s funny,” we say.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 7/5/2024
really amazing photos of the sky!
Nice one!