We get it wrong Con/Jur/d, 5/4/2023 “We say the Sun rises on us really it rises in us” we said “and of all the ephemera I’ve published, written, and dropped like rain On a still Spring morning the garbage trucks howling their metal shrieks, the papers meant for recycling, pulped by the fine drizzle and the avian courtship chorus temporarily abated, you happened to absorb this one, one whose countenance whose rise and fall, whose gravitational ellipticals, whose spiral dynamics you understand in your head but you have problems Feeling the solar winds in your lungs, the 100,000-kilometer plasma flares in your heart, the billions upon billions, corkscrewing gravity waves in your gut You know it is true But Due to the peculiar logic of embodiment you think it doesn’t matter”
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 5/4/2023