Don’t Know
Con/Jur/d, 4/25/2021
Not much left, he said
any grand gesture you’re
planning is smaller in size,
tiny contrasted to the light
shining on a microscopic
speck of red sand among
billions and billions of others
on a silent planet, beneath
a swirling sky, where sound
becomes tactile heard via
tremor, rumble, vibration
circling, a too-small Sun,
whose outsized imprint,
causes a different leveling
in every,
rock, liquid, organism
whose ripples are lightyears
and lightdecades wide.
Despite knowing they’re
just words, barely a trace
on a fractional surface of
objects, subjects, souls
trying unsuccessfully to
fill the infinite hollow,
in every,
direction, temporality, topology
you think knowing
will solve for an
unaskable, unknowable, unfathomable
Sunday’s are about ‘you,’ y’all. So If you take a picture and feel like ‘Hey, this would be cool on gate(less), send it my way. Just remember I’ll probably ignore it and if it does catch my attention, it’ll probably be edited, beyond recognition.
Or I’ll just post it as is without attribution.
Many, many thanks,
Con/Jur/d, 4/25/2021