Handel's Messiah Con/Jur/d, in response to the question “Does anyone else hear the hallelujah chorus from Handle's Messiah reverberating throughout the universe?” -- Indar I needed to refamiliarize myself with the text, he sd having given up on Jesus & John & Peter & the betrayer Paul, during the period of time we sometimes refer to as The New Age Judas Complex, preferring the company of Marys and their sisters Lilith and Sophia and it stirred in us, the same as it stirred before, the flight of a lost bird zig-zagging in from the long dark winter, through the flap of the Norman longhouse, through the smoke, the wail of babies, the grunts of child invocations, the sharpening of steel, the fletching of arrows, which in this version of the vision, makes a soft zip-zip, blood and candles of fat on altars, the sack from which the blood was letted frying, filling the tent with smells of sizzling and in leaner times barley gruel or even bark casting a scent of resin across wet wool funk, past the rattling of the sick and the dead and finally, escaping into the warmth and light of an early spring day This is how (we are told) the Vikings became Christians with exculpatory revelations that this your temporary home this drama, this world is yours but what bird sees outside is the business of God Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah! It still makes me uneasy, he sd look how the Bible Belters tend to abuse their children trying to recapitulate their submission to grace, the same way they were wounded, being the way they wound hoping their children will be saved in the same way they were saved -- how sweet the relief from original sin that amazing grace the abandonment of yourself to forever and ever and ever -- and there’s nothing wrong with that he sd yet I suspect they’re doing the wounding to all of us Sacrificing us all in particular ways, mechanically perpetrating certain sufferings, certain passions whose only possible outcome is as Leonard Cohen sd, " a cold and broken Hallelujah," while we prefer Ode to Joy, he sd stripped of the burden of Joyce’s nightmare history a vibration not of exogenous saviors, but of a a endogenous joy belonging to all critters regardless of what percent of good or evil to which we adhere "All creatures drink of joy At nature's breast. Just and unjust Alike taste of her gift;" The question, he sd, is do you hear Handel’s Messiah reverberating throughout the universe? And yes we answer As Molly Bloom quipped, "YES, YES, YES" but what, he sd does it portend?
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 6/11/2023