Sucking Crayfish Heads Con/Jur/d, 4/7/2024 The first time we saw mother grasp the red-shelled insect like, legged, slightly bigger than a morsel, body, fresh off the boil, twisting the Yabbie, Mudbug, Crayfish Crawdad, Lobster, the cheliped cambarus bartoni (She was a PhD Plant pathologist after-all) body from the head And sucking the spiced water brains and other viscera from the bottom feeder’s freshly unlive cranium, we were dis- turbed, N. impressed WE LEARNED 1. Don’t waste 2. We’re part of, not separate from 3. The best parts are not displayed 4. We’re animals like otters She was from the Old World, pre digital dominance, now the insects buzz of AI between us and what we want to say reminds of mosquitoes thick in the summer night air in Minnesota, warm, hinting at future lightning and thunder shaking the propane scented cabin, skunks walking across our motionless feet, body shaking with repressed laughter, and the fresh caught Crayfish boil, where we learned a lifetime’s worth of important lessons.
If you don’t Travel Con/Jur/d, 4/7/2024 What the new generations think of as normal is disturbing we said, After, I knew it would be water boarding and brass knuckles from now on, he replied, especially if you don’t travel outside the colonies and their territories yes, yes Later, doing the laundry, the two spiders, who have lived at the bottom of the basement shower stall all this winter remaining in their corners, for weeks and months with occasional musical chairs, in the cold, bugless and loveless, off-white formed poly-carbon shell, thankfully dry since the sewer outlet was snaked and plumbed Couldn’t help thinking, what do they eat? Do arachnids hibernate? This morning, the bigger of the two was a desiccated husk a warning shot of sorts, to those who don’t travel, and think this bland, brightly colored culture is the best we can hope for.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 4/7/2024
Visceral & Compelling.
If the ancestors could see us they would despair at the deep lack of imagination displayed re the system of things, the cultural entropy...
Graeber & Wengrow nailed it in The Dawn of Everything.
Consider: a moment suspended in time with multiple Event Horizons opening up on vistas of infinite choices.