Losing Gravity Con/Jur/d, 4/13/2022 Understand what he means now “If you want to fly higher put your feet firmly in the G R O U N D” “As if you had a choice,” we argued, being young and subject to Saturn rising but not yet the R E T U R N I hand wrote a mad letter to him saying as much, Dear Antero Alli, “I agree with every - thing you said yet you got it all wrong” I was a child although it was less than half a lifetime ago as the permanent loss of gravity A P P R O A C H E S when we will no longer be subject to its laws lacking a body we find R O O T S R R O O O O T T S S to be of ever-increasing importance, not simply the ones of soil, genes and water, but the rootlets that D E S C E N D into the atom into the galaxy into the blackhole Eagerly penetrating the everpresent everlasting everexpanding evercontracting infinite in every direction in both Time & Space the place where P O E T R Y comes from and too soon we will return.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 4/13/2022