Rabbit Hole Con/Jur/d, 6/6/2024 Bit nauseous today after the incidents of yesteryear, concern tinges what other wise would be a common enough occurrence, the stress we put our-selves thru when young would most likely lead to our collective hospitalization these days we don’t trust our vessel like we once did, although the upside, having survived the preemptive kundalini strike, is we were radicalized early, we saw death was not what we were told, when told anything, that no one held our best intentions other than ourselves, and our culture, politicians, corporations, and the spectral crowds milling about the hyperobject monoliths, don’t have the language for truth saying, we were never taught it, and now we are seeing, the consequences of all those HOLES opening beneath our feet in our screens, in our LIVES And we’ve forgotten what it's like when we realized we were and are being lied to, how the participation mystique, is symbolic, not functional how we desperately grasp at familiar stories, like progress or stasis, re- frame everything as us vs them because it's the only tool we’ve been taught, this separating into good and bad, holding at bay emptiness ALL THE WAY UP ALL THE WAY DOWN Bugs Bunny jumps down a hole a hair follicle on this rabbit's head Past the dermis, we fall and fall and fall and fall land next to a hole the same as above dizzy drunken Bugs "What *hic* is up or down, Doc?" Hard to live here falling endlessly There are upsides too: Nothing weighs anything You can finally let go You decide what’s fear or excitement; no one KNOWS HOLES better than you, so once you stop holding grasping and relax YOU CAN FLY
That’s it today — maybe tomorrow the energy will be returning
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 6/6/2024
Sorry to be that guy... but did you know Bugs Bunny is . . . a hare . .?