We write poetry Con/Jur/d, 9/4/2024 10’000 meter poetry Momentary Poetry Spitting in the wind poetry Accidental Poetry Names for something we don’t understand, a dance, in the dark Years ago, we had a rabbit (re) scued, after Easter’s casual cruelty of good intentions, the flop eared disconnect, the cynical EXPLOITATION between pet store and desperate parent, darkMagick market forces a brutalist mechanism of EXchange We named him Alestier after the LOVE IS THE LAW missionary, and he ‘lived’ on the 3rd floor of our, 18000 sq“ ware- house space, with the converted gas oven, bathroom, futon bed and TV, above our oft ignored studio spaces, with attendant subsistence dreams, and endless capitalist negotiations, and at NIGHT around 3 AM all the anxiety would localize in Aleister’s feet under our bed, and he would scratch, scratch SCRATCH SCRATCH, until we got up and chased him out with the bedbroom, kept for that purpose ONE afternoon, after we had stolen money from the bakery to pay for food and shelter, we decided to treat ourselves and went to a local bistro where we ate rabbit sausages with rigatoni in a white wine sauce later, upon getting home, we availed ourselves of the third floor bathroom, to purge the glass after glass of water, drunk to compensate for the one-meal split and Aleister heading for his rabbit box also in the same tiny bathroom, stopped as we were letting go HE LOOKED AT US with fear, respect and something akin to SURPRISE for several weeks after HE DID NOT SCRATCH BENEATH THE BED those are the poems we want to write A SILENCE GREATER THAN WORDS

Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 9/4/2024
That is a hard one.
Well hope you're having a marvelous relaxing time and connecting to a Wonderful Satisfying warm energy. https://youtu.be/fy4fMlLj_B8?si=2yEOeQ6DmXNxeS4A