Jealous of your first time Con/Jur/d, 5/19/2022 Dismissive call them First Born you know them too, and if you’re honest, honestly we’re one too acting like this is all new, shiny yet, not meeting expectations O look at how people are or my gods wouldn’t do it like this, unless you stole them from me, and then sure we’re all being punished or the ecstasies exist with ties of ownership or are bound, to a particular group a particular practice or a codified confined castrated Being not wild not here not now inherent in every breath inside every beat, every pulse but over there, that time then Until you learn it’s always been always will be and is And I’m a little jealous timeless sure, but there’s something special about the first time you remember and wonder how you forget Take your time! You’re new here only once, after all.
Much love y’all,
Con/Jur/d, 5/19/2022
I like this and the use of the pictures.