it's Saturday
11/9/2024 and instead of recovering, planning mischief, we're inside writing poetry for you;!
surpasses understanding Con/Jur/d, 11/9/2024 “Because there was great upheaval in his realm Hsuan Tsung finally fled to Shu” these days, no reason to not ‘look it up,’ ignorance is now codified, drowned beneath wave after wave poor metaphor, since it is increasingly harder to break our character armor as the old pervert Wilhelm Reich would have said, if the beast America, America! would have given him a chance this hard shell, the calcified pineal gland, the changes in synchondrosis, combined with the rush to be someone, to self- define, before the system labels and categorizes us, feeds us to big data sets, prevents, as Bruce said, “to flow like water,” rather than drowning, the waves are covered, like a ‘wreckage of boats,’(an Anthropocene fleet’) after a hurricane, tiled one atop another un- ‘til, ‘til, ‘til, we are parched, more likely to die of thirst than drowning THAT’S NOT CORRECT we forgot waterboarding, sigh -- returning to the original statement Seems like we’re the kind of people who fantasize about running- away, but we’ll do just about anything to not be Hsuan Tsung, we’ve outsourced the running, bought the gym memberships we don’t use and we’ll sit still in a burning house, hoping somebody else will do for us what once we had to do for ourselves how else do you explain bulldozers over bodies, guns on the walls, in the streets, wielded by those sworn to protect, who instead survive, root out difference follow orders, like the mathematically inclined who won’t gamble, play the lotto, and look down on us who still believe Shango punishes by lightning, (a treeless golf course in Texas is a good place to run, before the clouds piled high against horizon, roiling press the downpour against your pantomime of steadiness, club raised symbolic defiance) who don’t get, t certainty is a false bulwark, a folly moat separating the truth, this improbable singular exit the miraculous door out of incomprehensible eternity, out of an infinitude of space, allowing us to exist, surpasses understanding no matter how we move, how we still, no matter how many times we are hit no matter the coruscation or the dark which descends or how many chances this is it and we’ll never know what it is.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 11/9/2024
Right on!