It, only matters
Con/Jur/d, 5/11/2021
The only matter, worthy of note
is how it echoes. Apologize in advance
for karma, and never
mention it again -- the blame, the self
doubt, a mechanism of Language
the machinery, grammar, syntax,
capitalization insists, Victim. Modified,
by the mediums, can’t even see the wires
and freely deny the existence
of wings. It SEEMS, annoyance
at poor punctuation, bad-translation
comes from inside, even agreeing with
the Other’s complaint as a signifier,
a lack, a misunderstanding, “THEY
don’t get it, I’ve said the same thing for
years, years, years,
years, years.” this head-nods, moved BY
pull, push, these strings, this gravity
belong to The Tribe of It. Remote controls
Behavior, vigilance “THE borders are
under constant threat those Other Tribes,
The People of I and The Warriors of Thou,
want what It has. What Us, have.
I People say, them things, this way, “I
died by Predator Drone at my wedding
feast beside the tulip field near my home”
And “The tank of gasoline I bought so I could
go to work cost One Million Humans mostly
women and children, contributing to my
receding hairline and impeding my liver
function contingently,” The I’s are hard to see,
everywhere, learning not to cry in public’
to escape being labeled Them,
has rendered I’s souls covert, flickering briefly
beneath glassine exteriors, IN and OUT wanting
to steal indifferent skins, to achieve the safety
of normalcy, the protection of itness. The
brief discomfort of flaying is nothing, nothing
to existential menace threatened by Thouists
and THE secret assassin masters. Camouflaged
moving freely, among Us, unlike the I’s,
only complete annihilation will do,
without remorse, without resorting to facts,
common truths, or even opinion, Us, so easily
radicalized, it takes an impossible
effort, akin to instantaneous addiction,
to resist, to avoid banishment, the DEATH
dance, possession of me by THEM. Only
a single, infallible, concrete-test absolutely
detects The Warriors of Thou, a simple
question with only one possible answer,
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