Tertiary Con/Jur/d, 1/7/2024 While we walked with Mary we heard an echo of the Absolute So profound, it killed the dinosaurs formed islands, in the disjointed undone Pangaea, disrupted Universal Truth, like the fractured mammalian ape tribes had done before with The Great Lie of separation Third Order Wisdom as the Anthropocene Epoch repeats, the past mistakes including, the miraculous Geology begetting Biology and distilling consciousness (or so the AI Alchemists would like us to believe) Third Order, not for reasons of replication rather as we walked, the sidewalks, trees and crude graffiti side-by-side with beautiful spray-painted acts of urban reclamation and carrion and post - dragon avians walked and listened with us And she told us, as her mother had told her as her mother’s teacher had told her whose teacher had told him, who had been told by them and they, all the way back before the divide and create other game had started with its winners and losers, and faith based teaching, you want to be in the Church of The Winner, before the fanatics began to burn and blowup anyone who didn’t declare their faith by publicly announcing ‘I don’t like losing’ as if to declare they were of an order above Heaven and Hell, those artificial prisons for losers - even now, knowing it's true we fail to abide, we fail to embody With the entire world, watching and listening as it does for us all regardless of affiliation to hetero or ortho doxies, or rejection by secularization or simply flipping the table over and refusing to play saying quietly at her hospice bed ‘Non Serviam’ She said, she said, he said, they said simply ‘The minute you form an opinion, you fail’ Entire mountain ranges grumbled Birds stopped chirping The traffic went still We couldn’t say (despite our hyperbolic raging) we didn’t say better than that.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 1/7/2024
Oooooh at Goat. And thanks A Merry Blaze for reminding me, in a roundabout way, to lead wayward gateless types towardst Baxter Dury. For years I thought: yeah, yeah, famous dad, why should I care? just like I did with lovely Lily Allen.
Check it out