GRANDFATHER & the flavor is the same
THE TRUTH -- entity crashes Co(found)lodg(e reassure) Poetry
The flavor is the same Con/Jur/d & unidentified Olive Grower 12/14/2024 Uh, like this, this Farm. Migrate, that direction you pass through A SMALL VILLAGE were coming here who has those car factories when you turn. YEAH. OKAY, grandfather always i_______ Village. grocery store. _______many, many 74 years ago, he OKAY. years. this piece of land very, very small. which. which average of the properties, about 900 EGG cars. Okay, so we have something like this around here, okay?, 74 years ago. grandfather bought this Farm. Still is so, so grandfather, Ø§ØµØ¨Ø Ù…ØÙ„ Gray. We, :SINCE WE had A VISITATION good times. to look. the process. NOBLE MAN(virtually extincting) TALKS from his, small olivegroove in PORTUGAL his GRANDFATHER’s and WE record. and then have. ai ;what is said THEN take the text, erase the context and recompose, as a selfportrait of GRANDFATHER and in this process of cutting pasting this appeared: NO REASON RUN THROUGH TRANSLATION: the truth: the international region, it poorest he saw a get a little bit more, father went I can tell you 1956, to school, CHILD WEARING SHOES. so I'm seeing how difficult things were wrong, okay? grandfather did. see here in a row, of them…………………………………………. were planted grandfather in seven ago. 777777 -2 = 40 years HIS IDEA simple. He just wanted to olives olives, selling never produced olives because money from selling then you see he left a long distance eTor those days and he did it becaus e rows of geometry, Okay? Corner. UM, CORNER, um. OVER This side of the house, before we renovated side of the house where we move. Right now, this side, this chicken coop. Oh, yes. AND The other side of the house where we are going to have the olive oil tasting where my grandfather scored the straw, okay. So in the beginning it was just like just another way to get a little bit more money for his SANDWICH, okay? Then you see that we have here. The only place that I don't find the point. So this one is 74 and then we have big one. e is about two thousand years old. Oh my God. so I can assure you my grandfather, he did not run this one. OH MY GOD this side. Co(found)lodg(e reassure) Poetry Con/Jur/d, 12/14/2024 Our Generation They think words are real but do not know how or in what way
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 12/14/2024
sure) Poetry