F-Bomb and other public infractions
Photo via Jordan Hollands - Animation by Doc Con on dock
Untold Parties 2/20/2023, Con/Jur/d My parents weren’t hippies so, I didn’t understand when in the Fall two strangers greeted me by name “Hey, man,” they said calling on the Ancestors in twowordsechoing The Unknown Country (the one we fled when we were Born) And I said, (or, I wish I did, although when Death revokes out citizenship, I’m sure we won’t care, caught up in the deportation rather than the homecoming) “I don’t know you, dig?” Saying, I’ve been there even though we aren’t there now, Dig a semaphore for continuation of culture, and they would have smiled and said in different words, “Well between The Smoke, The Drink, The Snort, The Fuck ing, The Music, and all the other conversations, who has the time to commit this (party) to memory?” And we would have laughed and gone our separate ways knowing who arrived was always different, from who left Although it's nice to reminisce with old neighbors, when I becomes We again we’ll joke, on repeat (having forgotten the divide between fore and after) “If you can remember the party you weren't here.”
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 2/20/2023
Most Excellent. My favourite post of yours in a while!
LMFAO@ 'Vogonese ethics". The whole Life/Death binary is powered by the Somebody Else's Problem field. Another way of putting it is that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and whatever does kill you, kills you.
Yours cheerfully,
Little Ray Of Sunshine