Spring Equinox, 2023 Con/Jur/d, 3/20/2023 Been calculated to the nanosecond when Winter becomes Spring; we joke, Given the circumstance let’s trade minds” “If and only if” you say, “everything stays exactly the way it is, our bodies remain anchored to these false selves, we retain our own scars preferences, clothes circumstances and orientations” I still remember the Great Blue Heron, rising from the pool above the waterfall in the cool mossy noon while the forest sweats, pine sap and insects around us You will retain your first Big Love and all the problems caused, and the zig-zag dodging, running, hiding to get out from beneath the winged shadow they cast over your life as we understood it to be We laugh How can switching substrates without the embodied, somatic memories, the very thus of this, the qualia do anything? Yet, for a few days we will dream each other's dreams As Night and Day equalize the cusp tips between who wrote and who read this, tell me which one are we?
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 3/20/2023
I LOVE YOUR FACE! So, greedy;-)
Love the picture. No real memories but bunch of fake ones. And a great Poem.