yty Con/Jur/d, 2/13/2024 The imperfections make the art we’ve been told admitting we will never close the gap____________________gap gap_____________gap gap_______gap gap_gap makes us better humans better at practicing the Way When we first saw the acronym FOMO we rushed to look it up, afraid we were missing out _ A little like the mural by the converted camera factory, renamed Victory, luxury apartments for those _ WHO DON’T KNOW WHERE THEY ARE _ a city, where IBM was founded on the dregs of the industrial revolution and the most fallible of mechanical parts humans; they quantified time fitting _ THE WORKER _ better into the machine logic of replaceable by birth rather than manufacture, cogs, happenstancing the landless, borderless needs of this DIGITAL REVOLUTION _ whose rejection of the physical the inherent BODILESSNESS _ creates the material conditions we live NOW _ Now reduced to a university enforcing peonage and arms manufacturers whose sole purpose is to defend debt slavery, universally; once this was a town we wanted to come to live and work for reasons other than debt and death; not now _ We said “It makes us wish we were here at the height when creative freaks rolled wonderful visions, a lost psychedelic rock and roll hip hop HEAVEN” _ Sensei said, “Mind the GAP” _ Yes, it is what we make of it isn’t it? Where else but now could we find such beautiful RUINS? _
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 2/13/2024
Love the title…
Powerful stuff. (And always nice to see some refried Laetitia ectoplasm.)