And despite everything Con/Jur/d, 7/2/2022 “The children were absorbed in their games and did not heed his warning, though the house was being consumed by flames”-The Lotus Sutra Everyday we see how it is yet, prefer stories of life, death failure, success, right, wrong you and me, no wonder we have such a hard time believing the house is on fire, until we feel the flames licking, creeping, the silent smoke cutting through all the noise Like all those years ago soon after the second degree burns on our back, but before the worst of the psoriasis And sure, sure it was a lot of drugs when standing on the porch suspended by a story over the wet glistening pavement and billions and billions of unknown stories between the twinkling stars we said “I’m bored with being immortal” And despite everything we felt it was true.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 7/2/2022
Love this.