Turning Words Poetics Con/Jur/d, 10/7/2023 Dear Reader, Whose voicebox muscles twitch as they read, translate to sound repattern the language to fit their particular style of meaning-making patter-patterning, all, one hopes without conscious intervention, except for particular individualized habituated attentional weaving, in other words (other sense-making signifiers) it happens without conscious intervention, reliant on consensual consensus collective communication to collate significance -- In the Book of Cases for a World Beyond Words and Letters, translated into modern idiomatic English as The Gateless Gate, under Cause #2 we are confronted (Nay, if we take the Japanese dislike of Vulpe, into the brief, ‘assaulted’ would be more accurate) a monk who due to his own karmic fortitude, has reincarnated repeatedly as a fox and requires ‘turning words’ to end the cycle (Please see M.S. Merwin’s ‘Fox Sleep’ for details) - We are confronted by both the inability and the necessity of language to intervene, on behalf of the ineffable, or The Way as the Ancients say, where all the good juicy, jammy fecund matter matters - the je ne sais quoi? Got it? Good So how does one use, Turning Words to compose, create, gestate, and birth a poetics? First, one listens, sees, feels, or touches a phrase, an image an emotion, or a sense of some-thing sticking or resonating sparkling, centering, arousing the you who is the being, bigger, better, bolder who becomes the you unbound from the happenstance of your circumstance And then let the ‘phrase’ (phrase, for the purpose of this glyphic transmission stands in for signaling received by your preferred sensorium) just sit Don’t try to mold it Don’t try to fold it Please, please, don’t try to mutilate it Mostly, evolution takes millennia, so let the phrase mutate in its own time, you can help by simply sitting with it just like a bird coddles an egg and PECKS PECKS PECKS when and if, necessary And then Let it emerge, As a title As a line As an enjambment like the phrase turning words or not at all Like prayer wheels whirling creating each and every combination of the 9 Billion Names of God in the Author C. Clark's version this means a giant eye opens on the horizon a feat you do every morning, Am I right? Easier than you think and yet impossible to do this game of Turning Word Poetics, Ready? Get set (Without thinking of good or evil or a sliver of embellishment) GO!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> See that wasn’t so bad was it?
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 10/7/2023
Saving the playlist for tomorrow to listen to while we put the Halloween decoration up.