The Cost of Advertising Con/Jur/d - sometime during the first 2 weeks of 2024 We want to return to eating because it tastes true food is an easy choose-your-own adventure, a way to get to know someone else, their terroir and culture from which they sprouted, a riotous polymorphic tangle, of conflicting and combining cultural contexts, the meal as building block of you unfiltered by plastics and other monotonized petrochemical projections eradicating difference and codifying and sterilizing history An end to dieting Want to look the carcass, vegetation, fruiting body or fermented fizz in the eye (the one seeing inside as out) see they had a good life and without guilt yet, with ample participation mystery enjoy.
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 1/18/2024
Controversial opinion: You can do better/worse than revisiting REM
I absolutely love the context of the poem. I'm glad you put it down into words.