EDITED FOR CLARITY; AND there were, quite a few parties Con/Jur/d, 11/26/2024 [Speaker 1] TESTING, testing. 1, 2 3. TESTING. TESTING one, two, three. ALL right, we're going to talk about burn poetry today -- on our. CEMETERY hike, and we thought we’d let you haul in. AND how it goes going through the HOLE in the fence. WHERE there is probably high 30s low 40s, ON the other side sunny, we just walked across the bridge. ____________AND thought about dragons NOT about dragons. this part of the cemetery is SORT of back corner. THERE’S a home defense; leads us through. drops us off. THE most curious. HEADSTONES in this corner. ACTUALLY. It appears. TO have been removed. SO NO, very odd. TAKE a look. WE were curious about it. AND now, WE no longer see it. SO, let us look around here. BECAUSE this was, yeah, because, either misprint. a poor combination of last names. THIS trail leads off of you. SO, you’re like, a more wild area. IT’S encapsulated by the CITY of BINGHAMTON [ P ] TOWN of JOHNSON CITY. ALL around it. an extended head row. SUMMER, there's an encampment [quite a few cameras] APPARENTLY throughout; considering the weather normally is. SEEMS deeply crazy. ANCESTORS. why we’re not going to go in that direction. going a different direction. ALL around. OR hung remnants of civilization. YEAH; don't know what it is. THERE are people. TALKING to their dear departed. where we are, WE’RE happy about. BE; CAUSE sometimes we feel like we feel like PEOPLE’s cemetery [THEY MEANT PEOPLE’S PARK -- YOU’RE TOO YOUNG TO REMEMBER] DOESN’T get enough uses. it's proper; proper uses. THERE is a sweatshirt. seems really nice SWISHER hanging on a tree branch, another EMPTY PRAISE -- check out. NO, this is disconnected.
FIRST look. AND, we're actually disconnected now. NO worries. TELLING us, we're disconnected.
[ WE don't know why ] COMMUNICATION WE don't know. THIS is the ideal setup for doing this kind of plan of REFLECTION THERE was; WHEN we did a lot of CHEMICALS. NOW, if we're, we're not all, as well. Identified. AND there was quite a few parties. Here in particular. CHEMICAL combination. would begin narrowing. EVERYTHING came into our head. WE miss those days. CREATING an entire world. FROM words. WHICH is: all are believed. is the case. NOT just words. LANGUAGE. INTERESTING things here. SO we're walking the dog. more an expense. YEAH. YEAH. NARRATING one's emotions, etc. ETC, has become the norm in the internet age. ONE of [US] THE people too often confuse those narrations / reality. OR rather. AND some sort of objective verifiable. FACT, instead of NARRATIVE, emotional. CONGLOMERATES . asthma. Of a mot. EMPTINESS. UH, cotton candy philosophy. SOCIAL interaction. REDUCED. TO who? MUSIC, WE’RE listening to JUST announced fine life, as WE was looking for. A better phrase than cotton candy. ONE of the things, APPARENTLY, as true. WE will be able to do. TAKE. REFLECTIONS, [no matter how badly recorde]d THERE’S been into a text.
There is someone WE’VE lived from 1865. To. 1865 to 1950. YEAH, that's pretty. AND his name was Burris. AS jurist or euros. THERE’S a textual relative of ours. YEAH. AND growing things about watching cemeteries, WE discover a tractual relatives. So, when WE went, MAD. WE don't know. The preemptive KUNDALINI strike. AFTER half gram of those. AND one of the things. BROUGHT it all about was. WHAT town? WAT is world is text TAO is TEXAS. TAX is text as territory. This, of course. WAS a way to try to get to tint which is: TEXAS, is not the territory. IT was a way of playing. FINE, life is, what she's supposed to be saying. COULD be fined, life. It could be. HINDSIGHT. It just appears out of nowhere. AND randomly, which is nice. LET’S see, WE’RE gonna have TAKE a look here. WE don't know. YEAH. FINE life. From the album, naturally gushing.
NOT, also materials, are equal. NEED a certain age and yeah, people would appreciate dreams. CANDY crows as well. where else are you gonna find such fine old trees. Undisturbed. KIND, of semi-natural causes. WE love the crows here. THEY’RE all hanging out. DOING our crowish things. Oh, that's interesting. WE wonder, why? what's left. WE was a tree here. ABSOLUTELY true. TEMPERATURE seems to be dropping a little bit. WE do love these people. One time WE looked up in, WE think. The answer. IS pretty much the same thing we're thinking. SOME variations. YEAH.WE wish WE had. FLEXIBILITY to get out. THERE’S another blocked off, gate here. WHICH, are no longer smallness. THE flexible enough to just. THANKS! for all year round. 1.SQUIRRELS are fat. LIST of things. PAID attention to. LEAD of squirrels. FOR what? they assumed was going to be a harsh winter. TO us at the end. OR this could be the new semi-normal. 2.WARM days, all through DECEMBER. OH, this is People are creepy. THE angel has been replaced by a scarecrow. ANGEL has been replaced. ANGEL has been replaced by the security. GOING to move back where I usually come. THIS is there. SOMEONE else from the sidewalk. WHAT else? COMING down the street now? EVERY direction WE go or someone else. IT’S a couple of times of days, FOR the time of day on the during the days. FEEL like WE’RE wandering around. APOCALYPSE. [EMPTY houses. ETC, etc. YEAH ] UH, HE wouldn't find a one fine day, one of her day. HEY, GOOGLE. SCREENSHOT. [PERSON 2] YOU.
Much Love,
Con/Jur/d, 11/26/2024