May Not Con/Jur/d, 4/15/2024 It seems every vivisection produces new speculations, on the age, we are and the one we participate in and how we are taking care of it;, unless we needed to invent exercise, to adjust for our evolutionary position as Lazy Ape Homo Sellularius, and the judgements Oh! the judgements: YOU MAY NOT SMOKE ON THE DAY of THE PROCEDURE. THIS INCLUDES ALL FORMS OF SMOKING, including (the dreaded) MARIJUANA, E-CIGARETTES CIGARS, etc. When did it become this way? Without explanation or reason, a dumbing down of the discourse, treated like children, savages, guilty without recourse, a minor decimal point in an impossibly large ledger, which will always belong to someone else, inescapably we are a statistic, once a part now the whole, stories adjusted for individual variation, reduced until comfortably conformed and calculated to be without merit.
Sixty Con/Jur/d, 4/14/2024 My wife was offended I was dating younger woman, before we got back together again, after getting back together again Initially, we met in high school dated there, (first big love) and went separate until, life took one of those, turns and we were both doing life, reviews breaking away from the co-progenitors of kids And we were reviewing, stories taken narratives avoided and the general, pick up, examine label and file of divorce and then another 10 years, of fiddadling, gerswumping and other amusements, until we reconnected, fell in love (again) as adults Different from teens, there’s more choosing And I said to her then about her mild objections to my dating of younger women, it's not the age it’s the connection, and I’m reminded as I’m about to turn 60, in the best relationship I’ve ever been in The birthday doesn’t seem like a big-deal Historically, it has been and my Mother was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer around then, and as I’m prepping for a colonoscopy, tomorrow 6 months after a larger than average health scare and friends have started dying at a frequency we were previously unfamiliar with, I asked myself why? Why am I not making a bigger deal about this one, the return of my Chinese Dragon, and as far as I can tell, it's simply that it matters less how old this body is The we, that is me thinks they are 12, 22, 32 rarely 40, never 50, they peers out of this numerology check the weather (It’s always fine) duck back in and declare “Another day, unexpected”
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 4/15/2024