Happy Birthday to T. 21 is a great age. I shall be 60 on Sunday, which is not a bad age either, and no SWAT team...that I'm aware of.
Pigeons get a bad press: they're smart, resourceful, and when it comes to begging food from humans are far more polite, and stoical, than seagulls. (Very bold and rather aggressive, especially if there is junk food in the 'hood. But not so fearsome as the ones in Amity Bay.)
Britain is a mad place, not least because awards/medals for bravery are given to animals. About 50 or so of these have been awarded and about two dozen were to pigeons. The mostest.
Happy Birthday to T. 21 is a great age. I shall be 60 on Sunday, which is not a bad age either, and no SWAT team...that I'm aware of.
Pigeons get a bad press: they're smart, resourceful, and when it comes to begging food from humans are far more polite, and stoical, than seagulls. (Very bold and rather aggressive, especially if there is junk food in the 'hood. But not so fearsome as the ones in Amity Bay.)
Britain is a mad place, not least because awards/medals for bravery are given to animals. About 50 or so of these have been awarded and about two dozen were to pigeons. The mostest.
21? How can that be? So quick!