A Seamless BORDERLESS Monument
Con/Jur/d, 8/28/2024
What emperor asked, or was it friend
family member, busybody bureaucrat
who asked, after you die, what would
you like? and you answered, in your
pulsing, glowing, vitalist motion, with
impregnated with seeds; to our mind
your best answer was “build me a
seamless monument” and then you
just looked around, like you did in the
Blue Cliff Record Case # 18, and we
wanted to add, if we could, comment
on, when not to bother: errrEKMRMrrrr
if the loon’s lonely, even when in company, cry is not included don’t bother, if it lacks the smell of pine duff, dry beneath the sparkling, furtive sunlight, or just wetted by the mounted blue/black thunderheads, wide white puffs filled with self-important treaties and threats
— DO NOT BUILD, leave the sign — UNDER CONSTRUCTION up — while we remember both those who fought the raging fires, and those burned like we were burned, THE acrid panic when SMOKE blossoms just over your left shoulder
or the exact moment of understanding when acquaintance becomes friendship, or sudden, unexpected intimacy, or the cool feel of water suspended above a dark, uncertain DEPTH, the fear and trembling before a raging deluge, the certainty of a buffeted and B.A.T.T.E.R.E.D death, a SURPRISE survival, the sun setting with nary a breeze, in a protected COVE
if the stomp, STOMP — STOMP, stomp of a caterpillar, rescued while we practiced capoeira or the taste of ice cream bars swum out to the floating border dock are, not included in this SEAMLESS monument, to a life lived like NO-OTHER —
— don’t bother building it rather, let the undefeatable NOW, finish — this
Much love,
Con/Jur/d, 8/28/2024
Shout out to The SLOW Music Movement who inspired today’s music selections: